Galilean relativity

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Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2008
Beiträge: 322
Wohnort: Haarlem, Nederland

BeitragVerfasst am: 16.02.2024, 05:36    Titel: Galilean relativity Antworten mit Zitat

Hello participants

The Lorentz transformations are wrong, because they alter the universal beiing time UBT. Therefore the galilean transformations are the only possible transformations if you want to use them anyway.

The ether-drift comes if you transform the ether which is calculated by astronomers like prof Sunyaev against the 3 Kelvin background.

The earth moves with 360 km/sec +/- 30 km/sec through space.

If you depart from this with the galilean transformation for instance earth standing still you get an etherwind of 360 km/sec +/- 30 km/sec.

Michelson and Morley experiment cannot reveal this because interferention
does not shift but is lost when the apparatus gets another orientation to the ether. Lorentz is right that the ether is vacuum. Light has the power to be its own electromagnatic provider for now magnetic and then electric in harmonic function as Maxwell explained.

WR Hamilton explaines in his book about quaternions: Algebra as the science of space and time that time is real (because it is ordened) and so Einstein and Minkowski fail by stating time is imaginary.

A plosion is the lightkone emerging from an event at UBT t0 this cone can be written as t = t0 + del (t) + vec (c) * del (t),
with vec (c) a vector with absolute value c.

of course in the inertial system of 3 Kelvin backgroundradiation.

PS Sorry for my englisch and not german language: as is repeatedly explained to me: you don't want to see this dutchman write german.
Weiss nicht viel aber was ich weiss benutze ich.
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Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2008
Beiträge: 322
Wohnort: Haarlem, Nederland

BeitragVerfasst am: 17.02.2024, 03:16    Titel: correction Antworten mit Zitat

t = t0 + del (t) + vec (c) * del (t)
must be of coarse:Q(t) = Q(t0) +del(t) + vec (c) * del (t)
with Q(to) is the source and Q(t) is the observer, which sees that the distance is del(t) lightseconds, so t0+del(t) = t

Sorry for the mistake
Weiss nicht viel aber was ich weiss benutze ich.
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