JANm, die Bibel, Dingler und Mach
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Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2008
Beiträge: 322
Wohnort: Haarlem, Nederland

BeitragVerfasst am: 14.01.2009, 04:23    Titel: Erfolgslose Forscher Antworten mit Zitat

For allem der erfolgslose forscher sind der meinung das es keine freiheit von erklahrung der meinung gibt.

There are many people who believe that they have an understanding of nature which is clearer than others. Unfortunatly many of them are wrong, or are not able enough to clarify their thoughts. But JL and GO Mueller are right that the ones which should be listened to are discriminated, rather than adjusting a theory which is founded on a badly translated book of two thousand years ago.
Weiss nicht viel aber was ich weiss benutze ich.
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JANm is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen
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Anmeldedatum: 20.02.2006
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BeitragVerfasst am: 14.01.2009, 04:41    Titel: Re: Erfolgslose Forscher Antworten mit Zitat

JANm hat Folgendes geschrieben:
rather than adjusting a theory which is founded on a badly translated book of two thousand years ago.

You are kidding, right?

Grüsse galileo2609
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galileo2609 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden

Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2008
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Wohnort: Haarlem, Nederland

BeitragVerfasst am: 15.01.2009, 02:03    Titel: Honest answer? Antworten mit Zitat

Dear 2609
You really are not asking for an honest answer is it? You yourself were banned because you had a better insight than that book. Invented clockwork during that time. The transformation named after you is compared to the one which seems to be state of the art. You thought that velocity of light could be measured with the timing of flashlights or whatever that was in your days. The same romantic thing as Michelson. Principle matter that is. The days that science was scientific. For that matter Foucault seems to have had the most succes, with his fast rotating mirror and please don't forget his pendulum.
I cannot understand that Herbert Dingle or was it Hugo Dingler don't know have to little memory for names (what is in the name?),,, when one of these two accepted a teaching chair was so enthousiastic about a relativity theory which also makes rotation relativistic. "The sky is moving around the earth because the earth is so IMPORTANT. But his inaugurele reason was so beatiful that I was crying reading it in the library. While during my studies the most irritating thing I had to learn (by head?) was the principle of Mach. You know that rotating bucket thing. The whole universe rotating around the bucket is the same as rotating the bucket.
Please Galileo do your work...
Weiss nicht viel aber was ich weiss benutze ich.
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JANm is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen
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Anmeldedatum: 20.02.2006
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BeitragVerfasst am: 15.01.2009, 03:46    Titel: Re: Honest answer? Antworten mit Zitat

JANm hat Folgendes geschrieben:
You really are not asking for an honest answer is it? You yourself were banned because you had a better insight than that book. Invented clockwork during that time. [...]
I cannot understand that Herbert Dingle or was it Hugo Dingler don't know have to little memory for names (what is in the name?),,, when one of these two accepted a teaching chair was so enthousiastic about a relativity theory which also makes rotation relativistic. [...] the principle of Mach.

Dear Jan,

your English is as cruel as your German. So, my answer referred to the
JANm hat Folgendes geschrieben:
badly translated book of two thousand years ago

you mentioned. Which book was meant? Two thousand years ago refers in general to the holy bible, isn't it?

If you mention Dingler and Mach, it may be possible, you record the conspiracy theory built in the 1950's. An urban legend, promoted by the underdogs relying on the 'Deutsche Physik' as a care of tradition even after World War II.

Please find some clarifying sentences.

Grüsse galileo2609
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galileo2609 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden

Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2008
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Wohnort: Haarlem, Nederland

BeitragVerfasst am: 15.01.2009, 18:39    Titel: Sun stand still Antworten mit Zitat

The phragment I am referring to of indeed the bible is where a general wants the day to be longer so he prays: "Sun stand still". The bible is not a book of physics because we now know that should have be prayed: "earth stand still". It is this and only this part of the book I have problems with. It has given physisists much problems.

I do not know of conspiricy theories and am glad that the exact study I did was person by by person disregarding country they come/came from or political personal interests. General relativity an Special relativity theorie are difficult a subject enough in physics.
Besides I know just enough of politics to judge my personal opinion which concludes my selections every once in a while when the democratic system gives me this opertunity.
I am glad that things concerning relativity theory are solved globally nowadays and am reasonable sure about the safety evolving from that.
Weiss nicht viel aber was ich weiss benutze ich.
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JANm is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen

Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2008
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Wohnort: Haarlem, Nederland

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.03.2009, 03:42    Titel: Re: Honest answer? Antworten mit Zitat

galileo2609 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
JANm hat Folgendes geschrieben:
[...] the principle of Mach.

Dear Jan,

your English is as cruel as your German.
Grüsse galileo2609

Ok my Englisch can be as bad as it is, aber das principe von Mach ist schrottiger as ever. I cannot understand how a wellthinking scientific in his time can be so backtracking idiot that he defends idiocracy against what the the layman already knows for two or three century's. The fact that I was forced to learn this stupidicy as student besides that...

grusse Janm
Weiss nicht viel aber was ich weiss benutze ich.
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JANm is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen

Anmeldedatum: 29.09.2008
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BeitragVerfasst am: 22.03.2009, 10:39    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

aber das principe von Mach ist schrottiger as ever.

Du unterschätzt den Mach aber gewaltig. Und meinst Du mit...
what the the layman already knows for two or three century's.

...gar Newtons absoluten Raum und dessen Vorstellung einer absoluten Zeit?
Dass diese Vorstellungen seit Einstein nicht mehr gelten, weiss doch jeder Laie. Very Happy
Oder bist Du am End ein RT-Kritiker?
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Orbit is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden

Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2008
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Wohnort: Haarlem, Nederland

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.03.2009, 19:56    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Orbit hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Oder bist Du am End ein RT-Kritiker?

Hallo Orbit
Yes Orbit I am a RT-critic. RT is build on the negative result of the MM-experiment. Since 1965 it is possible to measure absolute velocities with respect to background radiation. So the negative result with the MM-experiment comes from the fact that somehow the technic of it was not capable of measuring what it was meant for. But the scientific purpose of wanting to know absolute velocities was indeed correct. I don't understand the illogical way scientist stick to the RT and more important refute RT-critics. Apart from this there are two formula's which are impossible to use in RT- 1 time dilation
2 mass-velocity relatation
These two formula's are for one object and have nothing to do with relative velocities. If time and mass are dependant on velocity, it can only be dependant on one absolute velocity. RT and especially Lorentz transformations have a flaw. The total impulse of the universe must be zero. Comoving with this p/m is velocity zero and gives right to use the term: restmass for equation 2 and universal time for equation 1.

Hope I don't shock you with this
greetings Janm
Weiss nicht viel aber was ich weiss benutze ich.
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JANm is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen

Anmeldedatum: 02.05.2006
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BeitragVerfasst am: 22.03.2009, 20:21    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Janm,
JANm hat Folgendes geschrieben:
RT is build on the negative result of the MM-experiment.

No. RT is built on asymmetries within Maxwell-Lorentzian electrodynamics and many, many failed attempts to detect the aether.
For example:
(Not to mention all the other results like those of Raileigh, Brace, Mascart, Ketteler, Hoek, etc...)

But RT (and LET) can also explain positive results like

Neither a resting aether, nor a fully dragged aether, nor an emission theory can explain all of those results.
Or are you able to offer a theory which can explain all of those things?

So the negative result with the MM-experiment comes from the fact that somehow the technic of it was not capable of measuring what it was meant for.

But what about the other negative results...

Überzeugungen sind gefährlichere Feinde der Wahrheit als Lügen. Friedrich Nietzsche
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dhainz is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden

Anmeldedatum: 29.09.2008
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BeitragVerfasst am: 22.03.2009, 20:46    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Noch vor 5 Monaten hast Du Dich mit elementarsten Grundlagen der newton'schen Gravitationslehre herumgeschlagen
und jetzt hast Du gar schon die ART so gut verstanden, dass Du sie widerlegen kannst.
Wahrlich eine steile Karriere! Mr. Green
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Orbit is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden

Anmeldedatum: 09.10.2008
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Wohnort: Haarlem, Nederland

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.03.2009, 21:05    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Orbit hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Noch vor 5 Monaten hast Du Dich mit elementarsten Grundlagen der newton'schen Gravitationslehre herumgeschlagen
und jetzt hast Du gar schon die ART so gut verstanden, dass Du sie widerlegen kannst.
Wahrlich eine steile Karriere! :mrgreen:

Hallo Orbit
You are angry. You have learned that escape velocity is wurzel(2) times the satelite velocity. Do you think that RT or ART changes these facts much. I realy don't know.

Now you know that I am a RT-kritic you think I have a steep cariere. No, indeed I have read much relativity theory and recalculated many of the formula's. I am glad that on this Forum I can write about these items...

greetings Janm
Weiss nicht viel aber was ich weiss benutze ich.
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JANm is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden Website dieses Benutzers besuchen

Anmeldedatum: 29.09.2008
Beiträge: 1469

BeitragVerfasst am: 22.03.2009, 21:38    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

I am glad that on this Forum I can write about these items...

Na dann viel Glück!
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Orbit is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden

Anmeldedatum: 28.11.2007
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BeitragVerfasst am: 27.03.2009, 11:33    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

JANm hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Since 1965 it is possible to measure absolute velocities with respect to background radiation.

Das widerspricht doch dem Prinzip der Relativität. Damit müsste doch auch die SRT widerlegt sein?

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Test20071128 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden

Anmeldedatum: 28.11.2007
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BeitragVerfasst am: 27.03.2009, 11:50    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Und wie Engelhardt schreibt (Aberration Jupiterexperiment), widerspricht die Beobachtung von Doppelsternsystemen auch dem Relativitätsprinzip. Das gehört doch in die selbe Ecke?

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Test20071128 is offline Benutzer-Profile anzeigen Private Nachricht senden

Anmeldedatum: 29.09.2008
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BeitragVerfasst am: 27.03.2009, 12:00    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Das widerspricht doch dem Prinzip der Relativität. Damit müsste doch auch die SRT widerlegt sein?

Wie meinst Du das, Testi?
Ach so... daher weht der Wind:
Und wie Engelhardt schreibt (Aberration Jupiterexperiment), widerspricht die Beobachtung von Doppelsternsystemen auch dem Relativitätsprinzip.

In der Tat
Das gehört doch in die selbe Ecke

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